Fit for Reel by Studiofit® Online Workout
Body Weight Bootcamp
Are you a highland dancer looking to develop more overall strength and power in your dancing? Fit for Reel's Body Weight Bootcamp workout was created with the goal to provide dancers with a high-energy interval and strength workout, all online and all without needing extra equipment!
Turnout for Reel is the only turnout program that teaches the three key concepts of turnout: Muscular Strength, Body Alignment, and Range of Motion. This online program helps you apply those concepts while you dance to achieve your MAXIMUM turnout abilities!
"This helpful turnout programme is worth putting in the effort to do each day and following it exactly. You’ll find your hips and muscles get stronger which in turn helps you to get the better turnout your teacher has been eager for you to have. It’s not all about pushing the knee or the leg out. Start from scratch and learn how to control these muscles. Thanks Sandy for helping me learn how to use my muscles!"
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